Applying for Leaving School (For Undergraduates)
Step 1. 登錄填寫醫工系離校Google 表單 【連結點我 】 請出示已完成表單的截圖給系辦確認。
Login【Online Application System for Graduate Questionnaire from BME】【Link 】
Step 2. 登錄學校畢業生離校系統 【連結點我 】 印出離校程序單
Login 【Online Application System for Graduation from NCKU】【Link 】 and print out the application form.
Step 3. 請繳交學士照一張(2吋/背後請寫上學號及姓名)
Please submit a graduation photo (2 inches / please write the student ID number and name on the back)
Step 4. 按離校程序單上所列出的必要核章地點,依程序完成相關手續,領取畢業證書
Bring the Application form to necessary divisions for approvals to complete the processing.