
[碩博] 113學年度第2學期學位考試申請 (Notice for Thesis Defense application in Spring semester 2025 )

發佈日期 : 2025-01-22

113-2學期(碩、博士生)口試申請時程 & 注意事項
Oral Defense Application for Spring semester in 2025 Academic Year

  • 學位考試申請網址:https://campus4.ncku.edu.tw/wwwmenu/program/mou/login.php
    (開放時間 114年2月7日9:00 至 114年7月20日23:59止 )
  • 學位考試舉行日:114年2月17日(開學日)起 至 114年7月30日(三)止
  • 成績繳交截止日:114年7月31日(四)
  • 本校補助國際學者參與碩、博士學位考試委員之論文審查費,即日起自114年11月30日止,並須於114年12月31日完成核銷並繳交成果報告,如有需要請填寫簽辦表(如附件)。

詳細流程請點選系網頁右側欄 / 學位考試 / 碩博學位考試,參閱 https://bme.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1101-21501.php?Lang=zh-tw
Please check for the guideline of Graduation https://bme.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1101-21501.php?Lang=zh-tw

申請資料請於口試前2-3周提出送至系辦。預計於本學期114年6月畢業者,請提早在 114.07.10 前完成申請。任何特殊狀況請與系辦討論。


The application material for thesis oral defense (as follows) should be submitted to the BME office before 2 to 3 weeks before the date of your oral defense. If you planned to graduate in Jun. 2025 (Spring semester of Academic year 2025), please submit and complete the application process before July. 10, 2025

For PhD students who planned to apply for graduation, the qualification of graduation must be reviewed in Faculty meeting, and the date of oral defense must be at least three months after the proposal is completed.

繳交資料 Please submit (需請指導教授簽名,勿以蓋章替代 The application material must be signed by the advisor, not stamped.)

  1. 研究生學位考試申請書NCKU postgraduate degree examination online application: https://campus4.ncku.edu.tw/wwwmenu/program/mou/login.php
  2. 論文比對報告結果頁(經指導教授簽名),詳見範例:https://cid-acad.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/42/1042/img/730/906154444.pdf
    Please go to Turnitin website to run an originality report of your thesis, print out the Result Page of the report, and have your advisor sign on it to approve.
    Check: https://cid-acad.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/42/1042/img/730/353938047.pdf
  3. 醫工系研究生學位口試申請同意書 Advisor’s Agreement for oral defense: https://bme.ncku.edu.tw/var/file/101/1101/img/111486086.pdf
  4. 111學年度以後入學,預計本學期畢業者,請檢附「學術倫理教育時數認列證明書」6小時。https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/ 
    If you got admitted after the fall semester in the 2022-2023 academic year  (included), and you planned to graduate in this semester, Certificate of “Academic Integrity” for 6 study hours must also be submitted.
  5. 請先上網填寫醫工系離校問卷(並於本問卷最後上傳著碩/博士服之畢業照)https://reurl.cc/5OmWaG
    Please fill in the form of BME graduation questionnaire (please upload your photo in masters gown at the end of questionnaire). https://reurl.cc/5OmWaG
  6. 繳交申請給系辦時,請一併附上一張2吋著碩/博士服之畢業照(紙本),背後填上學號及姓名(已繳過者免交)
    Please submit one hardcopy of your photo in masters/PhD gown to the office along with the application, with your name and student ID written on the back.

備註 Important   Notes

1. 本校接受113學年第2學期(本學期)口試最後期限為 114年7月31日,須含繳交成績至註冊組,逾時未能繳交成績,將視同撤考且無法於本學期畢業。故最遲可安排口試之日期為114.07.30
The deadline to submit the grades of your oral defense to the Registrar’s Division is July 31, 2025. So, the deadline of everyone’s thesis defense is July. 30 2025.

2. 本學期畢業者,辦理離校流程最慢期限為114學年度第1學期開學之前。
The deadline to complete the “leaving school” process for those who already passed oral defense, is the day before the next semester starts. 

3. 欲申請線上口試者,須個案處理,請向學校提出申請,並請參閱   https://cid-acad.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1042-27002.php?Lang=zh-tw
For those who need to apply for online thesis defense, please apply for oral defense while you are filling the degree examination online application. 
Check for more details: https://cid-acad.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1042-27002.php?Lang=zh-tw

Any questions, please come to the department office to confirm with Rhonda.