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Fong-Chin Su











·         生物力學

·         醫學工程

·         人體動作分析

·         分子/細胞力學

·         復健工程










成杏校區 醫工大樓二樓5746








人體動態實驗室 前瞻醫療器材科技中心


國立成功大學 機械工程系 學士, 1976/09至1980/06
國立臺灣大學 機械工程研究所 碩士, 1980/09至1982/06
美國羅徹斯特大學 機械工程系 碩士, 1985/09至1987/02

美國羅徹斯特大學 機械工程系-生醫工程 博士, 1985/09至1989/07


美國梅約醫學中心 骨科生物力學實驗室 客座科學家 1993/07至1994/06
國立成功大學 醫學工程研究所 副教授 1989/08至1997/08

國立成功大學 醫學工程研究所 教授 1997/08至今

美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校 醫學工程&骨科 客座教授 1999/07至1999/09

國立成功大學 醫學工程研究所 所長 2000/08至2003/07

台灣生物力學學會 理事長 2002/01至2003/12

國立成功大學 骨科暨復健力學科技研究中心 主任 2002/02至2004/07

國立成功大學 特聘教授 2003/08至今

美國羅徹斯特大學 醫學工程系 客座教授 2004/08至2005/07

國立成功大學 工學院 副院長 2006/08至2010/07

國科會 生物處工程醫學學門 召集人 2007/01至2010/12

國立成功大學 研究發展處 副研發長 2010/08至2011/01

中華民國生物醫學工程學會 理事長 2011/01至今

現職:國立成功大學 前瞻醫療器材科技中心 主任 2011/04至今

現職:國立成功大學 研究總中心 中心主任 2015/02至今


·         生物力學

·         醫學工程

·         人體動作分析

·         分子/細胞力學

·         復健工程

近五年榮譽與獲獎 (2009-2013)

1.          2013 國際醫學生物工程學院院士(fellow, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering)

2.          2013國科會102年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵(48萬)

3.          國立成功大學彈性薪資特二級獎勵(96萬)

4.          2012-2015年國立成功大學特聘教授獎勵金

5.          2012國科會101年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵(48萬)

6.          2011&2012國立成功大學延攬、留住及獎勵特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵優一級

7.          2011國科會傑出研究獎(100-103年)

8.          2011國科會100年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵(30萬)

9.          2008-2010國科會生物處工程醫學學門召集人

10.      2010國立成功大學彈性薪資優二級

11.      2010第七屆國家新創獎

12.      2010成大附設醫院整形外科「優質的斷指再接植團隊」榮獲「2009 國家生技醫療產業策進會之國家品質標章,暨國家生技醫療品質銅獎(醫療院所類/醫院特色專科組),本人為優質的斷指再接植團隊-研究團隊負責人

13.      2009-2012年國立成功大學特聘教授獎勵金

14.      2008-2011年台灣生物力學學會薪傳學者

15.      2013 Award for Excellent Thesis, 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics

16.      2013台灣復健工程暨輔具科技學會學術研討會優秀論文獎第一名

17.      2012中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會指導研究生林奕勳、楊岱樺口頭論文特優

18.      2012中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會指導研究生林岳峰壁報論文優等

19.      2012國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會指導研究生鄭夙珍口頭論文佳作

20.      2012國際生物力學研討會暨台灣生物力學年度學術研討會指導研究生張薰文壁報論文佳作

21.      2012 Excellent Poster Presentation Award蔡依蓉2012 Graduate Research Forum, Niigata University, Japan

22.      2011 Excellent Paper Award, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering

23.      2011生物力學創意設計實作競賽第三名

24.      2011年中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會指導研究生蔡依蓉壁報論文優等

25.      2011年中華民國生物醫學工程科技研討會指導研究生曹百瑾壁報論文優等

26.      2011 International Society of Biomechanics Congress, Student Travel Award, Brussels, Belgium

27.      2010年台灣生物力學學會Merit Award- ISB Young Investigator Award。

28.      2010年中華民國生物醫學學會會指導研究生徐祥益口頭論文特優

29.      2010年台灣生物力學學會指導研究生曹百瑾壁報論文特優

30.      2010年台灣運動生物力學學會指導研究生丁羿婷壁報論文特優

31.      2009年中華民國骨科醫學會聯合學術研討會最佳論文獎

32.      2009年生物力學科技研討會優秀論文競賽大會優等獎


近五年著作與專利 (2009-2013)


1.         Wang, C.C., Hsu, Y.C., Su, F.C., Lu, S.C., Lee T.M., 2009, "Effects of passivation treatments on titanium alloy with nanometric scale roughness and induced changes in fibroblast initial adhesion evaluated by a cytodetacher," J Biomed Mater Res A., 370-383. (SCI)

2.         Chen, C.L., Lee, J.Y., Horng, R.F., Lou, S.Z., Su, F.C., 2009, "Development of a three degree-of-freedom moveable platform for providing postural perturbations," P I Mech Eng H: J Eng Med, 223:87-98. (SCI, EI, correspondence)

3.         Su, F.C., Chang, J.H., Chiu, H.Y., Lin, C.F., Hong, R.F., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “Jar Opening Challenges. Part 1: An Apparatus for Assessing Hand and Finger Kinetics in a Jar Opening Activity,” P I Mech Eng H: J Eng Med, 223:121-130. (SCI)

4.         Kuo, L.C., Cooney, W.P. III, An, K.N., Lai, K.Y., Wang, S.M., Su, F.C., 2009, "Effects of age and gender on movement workspace of trapeziometacarpal joint," P I Mech Eng H: J Eng Med, 223:133-142. (SCI, EI, correspondence) 

5.         Hsue, B.J., Miller, F., Su, F.C., 2009, "The dynamic balance of the children with cerebral palsy and typical developing children during gait. Part I. spatial relationship between com and cop trajectories," Gait Posture, 29:465-470. (SCI, correspondence)

6.         Hsue, B.J., Miller, F., Su, F.C., 2009, "The dynamic balance of the children with cerebral palsy and typical developing children during gait. Part II. instantaneous velocity and acceleration of com and cop and their relationship," Gait Posture, 29:471-476. (SCI, correspondence)

7.         Lo, H.C., Tsai, K.H., Su, F.C., Chang, G.L., Yeh, C.Y., 2009, "Effects of a functional electrical stimulation assisted leg-cycling wheelchair on reducing the muscle tone of patients with stroke," J Rehab Med, 41:242-246. (SCI) 

8.         Hsue, B.J., Su, F.C., 2009, "Gait and kinematics of the trunk and lower extremities in stair ascent using quadricane in healthy subjects," Gait Posture, 29:146-150. (SCI, correspondence) 

9.         Lin, C.J., Lin, P.C., Su, F.C., 2009, "Preferred elbow position in confined wheelchair configuration," J Biomech,  42: 1005-1009 (SCI, correspondence)

10.       Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., Tung, W.L., Lai, K.Y., Jou, I.M., 2009, "Kinematical and Functional Improvements of Trigger Digits after Sonographically-Assisted Percutaneous Release of the A1 Pulley, " J Orthop Res, 27: 891-896. (SCI)

11.       Nien, Y.H., Chen, Z.B., Liang, J.I., Yeh, M.L., Hsu, H.C., Su, F.C., 2009, "Fabrication and cell affinity of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers via electrospinning," J Med Biol Eng, 29: 98-101. (SCI)

12.       Lin, C.J., Lin, P.C., Su, F.C., An, K.N., 2009, "Biomechanics of wheelchair propulsion," J Med Biol Eng, 9: SI 229-242 (SCI, correspondence)

13.       Kuo, L.C., Chang, J.H., Lin, C.F., Hsu, Hsiu-Yun, Ho, K.Y., Su, F.C., 2009, "Jar Opening Challenges. Part II: Estimating the Force-Generating Capacity of Thumb Muscles in Healthy Young Adults during Jar Opening Tasks," P I Mech Eng H: J Eng Med, 223: 577-588. (SCI, correspondence)

14.       Chiu H.Y., Hsu H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Chang, J.H., Su, F.C., 2009, "Functional Sensibility Assessment. Part I: Develop a Reliable Apparatus to Assess Momentary Pinch Force Control," J Orthop Res, 27: 1116-1121. (SCI, correspondence)

15.       Hu, M.T., Hsu, A.T., Lin, S.W., Su, F.C., 2009, "Effect of general flexibility on thumb-tip force generation-implication for mobilization and manipulation," Manual Therapy 14: 490-495 (SCI)

16.       Tsou, J.Y., Chi, C.H., Hsu, R.M., Wu, H.F., Su, F.C., 2009, "Mechanical loading of the low back during cardiopulmonary resuscitation," Resuscitation. 80:1181-6.

17.       Hsu H.Y., Chiu H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Chang, J.H., Su, F.C., 2009, "Functional Sensibility Assessment. Part II: Effects of Sensory Improvement on Precise Pinch Force Modulation after Transverse Carpal Tunnel Release," J Orthop Res, 27(11):1534-9. (SCI, correspondence)

18.       Chi, C.H., Tsou, J.Y., Su, F.C., 2009, "Comparison of chest compression kinematics associated with over-the-head and standard CPR," Am J Emerg Med,27(9):1112-6.  (SCI, correspondence)

19.       Hsue, B.J., Su, F.C., 2009, "Kinematics and kinetics of the lower extremities of young and elder women during stairs ascent while wearing low and high heeled shoes," J Electromyography Kinesiol, 19(6):1071-8. (SCI, correspondence)

20.       Yang C.S., Yeh, C.H., Chen, M.Y., Jiang, C.H., Su, F.C., Yeh, M.L., 2009, "Mechanical evaluation of the influence of different suture methods on temporal skin healing," Dermatol Surg, 35(12):1880-5. (SCI)

21.       Chieh, H.F., Sun, Y., Liao, J.D., Su, F.C., Zhao, C., Amadio, P.C., An, K.N., 2010, "Effects of cell concentration and collagen concentration on contraction kinetics and mechanical properties in a bone marrow stromal cell-collagen construct," J Biomed Mater Res A. 93(3):1132-9.(SCI)

22.       Wang, L.H., Lin, H.T., Lo, K.C., Hsieh, Y.C., Su, F.C., 2010, "Comparison of segmental linear and angular momentum transfers in two-handed backhand stroke stances for different skill level tennis players," J Sci Med Sport. 13(4):452-459. (SCI, correspondence)

23.       Tung, W.L., Zhao, C., Yoshii, Y., Su, F.C., An, K.N., Amadio, P.C., 2010, "Comparative study of carpal tunnel compliance in the human, dog, rabbit, and rat," J Orthop Res. 28(5):652-6. (SCI)

24.       Tung WL, Kuo LC, Lai KY, Jou IM, Sun YN, Su, F.C.., 2010, "Quantitative evidence of kinematics and functional differences in different graded trigger fingers," Clin Biomech. 25(6):535-40. (SCI)

25.       Tung, W.L., Zhao, C., Yoshii, Y., Amadio, P.C., Su, F.C., An, K.N., 2010, "A comparative study of A1 pulley compliance," Clin Biomech. 25(6):530-4. (SCI)

26.       Wu, S.K., Kuo, L.C., Lan, HHC, Tsai, S.W., Su, F.C., 2010, "Segmental percentage contributions of cervical spine during different motion ranges of flexion and extension," J Spinal Disord Tech, 23(4): 278-284. (SCI, correspondence)

27.       Chen,Y.C., Su, F.C., Lou S.Z., Huang, C.Y., 2010, "Effects of the orthoses on gait patterns of flat feet patients," Clin Biomech, 25(3):265-70. (SCI, EI, correspondence)

28.       Lo, H.C., Yeh, C.Y., Su, F.C., Tsai, K.H., 2010, "Comparison of energy costs of leg-cycling wheelchairs with or without functional electrical stimulation and manual wheelchairs for patients after stroke," J Rehabil Med, 42:645-649. (SCI)

29.       Chen, H.C., Jou, I.M., Wang, C.K., Su, F.C.,  Sun, Y.N., 2010, "Registration-based segmentation with articulated model from multi-postural magnetic resonance images for hand bone motion animation," Med Phys, 37, 2670-2682. (SCI)

30.       Liu, M.F., Chou, P.H., Liaw, L.J., Su, F.C., 2010,  "Lower-limb Adaptation during Squatting after Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries, " Clin Biomech, 25:909-913. (SCI, EI, correspondence)

31.       Hsue, B.J., Miller, F., Su, F.C., 2010, "The effect of cane use method on center of mass displacement during stair ascent," Gait Posture, 32(4):530-535. (SCI, correspondence)

32.       Tarng YW, Casper ME, Fitzsimmons JS, Stone JJ, Bekkers J, An KN, Su, F.C., O'Driscoll SW, Reinholz GG., 2010, "Directional fluid flow enhances in vitro periosteal tissue growth and chondrogenesis on poly-epsilon-caprolactone scaffolds," J Biomed Mater Res A, 95A:156-163.  (SCI)

33.       Yeh, C.Y., Tsai, K.H., Su, F.C., Lo, H.C., 2010, "Effect of a bout of leg cycling with electrical stimulation on reduction of hypertonia in patients with stroke," Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 91(11):1731-6. (SCI)

34.       Wang, L.H., Lo, K.C., Lin, C.J., Su, F.C., 2010, "Multijoint coordination of lower extremity in tai chi exercise," J Mech Med Biol, 10:479-493. (SCI, correspondence)

35.       Chen, T.R., Wu, C.C., Su, F.C., 2010, "Complexity of the tensegrity structure for dynamic energy and force distribution of cytoskeleton during cell spreading," PLoS ONE, 5(12): e14392. (SCI, correspondence)

36.       Chi, C.H., Tsou, J.Y., Su, F.C., 2010, "Effects of compression-to-ventilation ratio on compression force and rescuer fatigue during cardiopulmonary resuscitation," Am J Emerg Med, 28(9):1016-23.  (SCI, correspondence)

37.       Lin, C.F., Chang, C.L., Kuo, L.C., Lin, C.J., Chen, C.Y., Su, F.C., 2011, "Postural control while dressing on two surfaces in the elderly," Age,  33(2):187-196,. (SCI, correspondence)

38.       Lin, C.J., Lin, P.C., Guo, L.Y., Su, F.C., 2011, “Prediction of applied forces in handrim wheelchair propulsion,” J Biomech,  44:455-460 (SCI, correspondence)

39.       Lee, I.J., Liao,J.H., Wu, W.H., Su, F.C., Lin, C.F. 2011, "Comparison of Postural Stability between Injured and Uninjured Ballet Dancers," Am J Sports Med, 39(6):1324-31. (SCI)

40.       Lin, H.T., Kuo, L.C., Yeh, C.Y., Liu, H.Y., Wu, W.L., Su, F.C., 2011, "The three-dimensional analysis of three thumb joints coordination in activities of daily living," Clin Biomech, 26:371-376. (SCI, EI, correspondence)

41.       Su, F.C., Wu, C.C., Chien, S., 2011, "Roles of Microenvironment and Mechanical Forces in Cell and Tissue Remodeling," J Med Biol Eng, 31(4):233-244. (SCI, Correspondence)

42.       Lo, H.C., Tsai, K.H., Su, F.C., Yeh, C.Y., 2011, "Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling Wheelchair for Stroke Patients: Design and Preliminary Evaluation Results," J Med Biol Eng, 31(4):295-300. (SCI)

43.       Yang C.S., Chen, C.Y., Chiang, C.H., Tung, C.L., Chen, M.Y., Yeh, C.H., Su, F.C., Yeh, M.L., 2011, “The effect of  suture size on skin wound healing strength in rat model,” J Med Biol Eng. 31(5):339-343. (SCI)

44.       Tsai, Y.J., Hsue, B.J., Lin, C.J., Su, F.C., 2011, "Biomechanics during Exercise with a Novel Stair climber," Int J Sports Med, 32:712 – 719. (SCI, Correspondence)

45.       Huang, C.Y., Hsieh, T.H., Lu, S.C., Su, F.C., 2011, "Effect of the Kinesio tape to muscle activity and vertical jump performance in healthy inactive people," Biomed Eng Online, 2011, 10:70. (SCI, Correspondence)

46.       Chieh, H.F., Su, F.C.,  Liao, J.D., Lin, S.C.,  Chang, C.W., Shen, M.R., 2011, "Attachment and morphology of adipose-derived stromal cells and exposure of cell-binding domains of adsorbed proteins on various self-assembled monolayers, " Soft Matter, 7:3808-3817. (SCI)

47.       Shieh, S.J., Hsu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., Chiu, H.Y., 2011 "Correlation of digital sensibility and precision of pinch force modulation in patients with nerve repair, " J Orthop Res 29: 1210–1215, 2011. (SCI)

48.       Tarng, Y.W., Huang, B.F., Su, F.C., 2012, "A novel recirculating flow-perfusion bioreactor for periosteal chondrogenesis," Int Orthop, 36(4):863-8 (SCI, Correspondence)

49.       Lin CL, Hong CK, Jou IM, Lin CJ, Su, F.C., Su WR,  2012, "Suture anchor versus screw fixation for greater tuberosity fractures of the humerus-a biomechanical study," J Orthop Res, 30(3):423-8. (SCI)

50.       Huang, Y.C., Guo, L.Y., Tsai, C.Y., Su, F.C., 2013, "Mechanical energy and power flow analysis of wheelchair use with different camber settings," Comput Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, 16(4):403-12. (SCI, Correspondence)

51.       Hsu, H.Y., Lin, C.F., Su, F.C.,  Kuo, H.T., Chiu H.Y., and Kuo, L.C., 2012, "Clinical application of computerized evaluation and re-education biofeedback prototype for sensorimotor control of the hand in stroke patients," J Neuro Eng Rehab,  9:26 doi:10.1186/1743-0003-9-26 (SCI)

52.       Chen, T.R., Wu, C.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "Mechanical models of cellular cytoskeletal network for intracellular mechanical properties and force constitutions: A Review," Med Eng Phys, 34 (2012) 1375– 1386. (SCI, correspondence)

53.       Huang, C.Y., Kuo, L.C., Chang, S.K., Su, F.C., 2012, "Comparison of kinetic roles of digits in two jar twisting directions among young females," J Med Biol Eng, doi:10.5405/jmbe.1197. (SCI, correspondence)

54.       Chang, H.W., Lin, C.J., Kuo, L.C., Tsai, M.J., Chieh, S.F., Su, F.C., 2012, "Three-dimensional measurement of foot arch in preschool children," Biomed Eng Online, 2012, 11:76. (SCI, Correspondence)

55.       Tsai, C.Y., Lin, C.J., Huang, Y.C., Lin, P.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "The effects of rear-wheel camber on the kinematics of upper extremity during wheelchair propulsion," Biomed Eng Online, 11:87. (SCI, Correspondence)

56.       Tai, T.W., Wu, C.Y., Su, F.C., Chern, T.C., Jou, I.M., 2012, "Ultrasonography for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome a meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy," Ultrasound Med Biol, 38(7):1121-8. (SCI)

57.       Wang, L.H., Lo, K.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "Posture control and balance during Tai Chi chuan push hands movements in a fixed stance," J Mech Med Biol, 12(5) 1250030 (SCI, correspondence)

58.       Yang, C.C., Su, F.C., Guo, L.Y., 2012, "New concept for quantifying the complicated kinematics of cervical spine and its application in evaluating the impairment for clients with mechanical neck disorder," Sensors, 12(12), 17463-17475. (SCI)

59.       Chang, C.W., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., Sun, Y.N., 2013, "Artefact-reduced kinematics measurement using a geometric finger model with mixture-prior particle filtering," Comput Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, 16:861-72. (SCI)

60.       Chieh, H.F., Su, F.C., Liao, J.D., Lin, S.C., Shen, M.R., 2013, "Migration patterns and cell functions of adipose-derived stromal cells on self-assembled monolayers with different functional groups, " J Biomater Sci, Polym Ed, 24(1):94-117 (SCI)

61.       Chen, C.L., Wu, H.W., Lou, S.Z., Yeung, K.T., Su, F.C., 2013, "Postural responses to yaw rotation of support surface," Gait Posture, 37(2):296-9. (SCI, correspondence)

62.       Hsu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Chen, S.M., Chiu, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2013, "Establishment of a proper manual tactile test for hands with sensory deficits," Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 94(3):451-8. (SCI, correspondence)

63.       Chen, H.C., Wang, Y.Y., Lin, C.H., Wang, C.K., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C.,  Sun, Y.N., 2013, "A knowledge-based approach for carpal tunnel segmentation from magnetic resonance images," J Digit Imaging, 26(3):510-20 (SCI)

64.       Chiu HY, Hsu HY, Su, F.C., Jou IM, Lin CF, Kuo LC, 2013, "Setup of a Novel Biofeedback Prototype for Sensorimotor Control of the Hand and Preliminary Application in Patients With Peripheral Nerve Injuries, " Phys Ther, 93(2):168-78. (SCI)

65.       Wang, L.H., Lo, K.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "Posture and ground reaction force related influences on Tai Chi pushing movement," J Mech Med Biol, 13(1) 1350007 (SCI, correspondence)

66.       Cheng, S.C., Hsu, C.H., Ting, Y.T., Kuo, L.C., Lin, R.M., Su, F.C., 2013, "Developing functional workspace for the movement of trunk circumduction in healthy young subjects: a reliability study," Biomed Eng Online, 12:4 doi:10.1186/1475-925X-12-4 (SCI, Correspondence)

67.       Liu YC, Chen HC, Shih HH, Yang TH, Yang HB, Yang DS, Su, F.C., Sun YN, 2013, "Computer aided quantification of pathological features for flexor tendon pulleys on microscopic images," Comput Math Methods Med, 2013, Article ID 914124, 9 pages. (SCI)

68.       Goryacheva1, I.G., Martynenko, Y.G., Su, F.C., Ryazantseva, M.Y., Antonov, F.K., 2013, "Analysis of contact interaction between artificial video-tactile sensor and soft biological tissue," Russian J Biomech, 17(1) (59):5–17.

69.       Wang, L.H., Lo, K.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "Comparison of dominant hand range of motion among throwing types in baseball pitchers," Hum Movement Sci, 2013 Jun 10. pii: S0167-9457(13)00008-0. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2013.01.003. (SCI)

70.       Lu, S.C., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Wu, C.C., Tung, W.L, Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., 2013, "Quantifying catch-and-release: the extensor tendon force needed to overcome the catching flexors in trigger fingers," J Orthop Res, 2013 Jul;31(7):1130-5. doi: 10.1002/jor.22333.. (SCI, correspondence)

71.       Kuo, L.C., Chen, S.W., Lin, C.J., Lin, W.J., Lin S.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "The force synergy of human digits in static and dynamic cylindrical grasps," PLoS ONE, 8(3):e60509. doi: 10.1371. (SCI, correspondence)

72.       Huang, C.Y., Kuo, L.C., Tseng, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2013, "The effect of jar holding posture on finger force and torque during a jar-opening task for young females," Packag Tech Sci, 9 MAY 2013 DOI: 10.1002/pts.2031. (SCI, correspondence)

73.       Lin, C.W., Su, F.C., Wu, H.W., Lin, C.F., 2013, "Influence of ankle injury on muscle activation and postural control during ballet grand-plie," J Appl Biomech, 2013 May 13. [Epub ahead of print].  (SCI)

74.       Lin, C.W., Su, F.C., Wu, H.W., Lin, C.F., 2013, "Effects of leg dominance on performance of ballet turns (pirouettes) by experienced and novice dancers," J Sports Sci, 13(16) 1781-1788. (SCI)

75.       Chen, H.C., Yang, T.H., Thoreson, A.R., Zhao, C, Amadio, P.C., Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., An, K.N., 2013, Automatic and Quantitative Measurement of Collagen Gel Contraction Using Model-Guided Segmentation, Meas Sci Technol, 24, 085702 (12pp). (SCI)

76.       Selyutskiy, Y.D., Dosaev, M.Z., Su, F.C., Chang, C.H., 2013, "On modelling of the thumb carpometacarpal joint," Russian J Biomech, 17(2) (60):94-102.

77.       Anferov, G.M., Goryacheva, I.G., Lyubicheva, A.N., Soldatenkov, I.A., Su, F.C., Chang, C.H., 2013, "Modeling of the Stress State of the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint," Mech Solids- A Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences, 48 (4), 439-449. (SCI)

78.       Fang, S.C., Su, F.C., Chen, S.S., Hou, W.H., Sun, J.S., Chen, K.H., Lin, W.H., Hsu, S.H., 2013, "Improved intrinsic motivation and muscle activation patterns in reaching using virtual reality training with the Wii game system for stroke rehabilitation: a pilot randomized control trial," J Mech Med Biol, doi: 10.5405/jmbe.1502 (SCI)

79.       Hsu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Kuo, Y.L., Chiu, H.Y., Jou, I.M., Wu, P.T., Su, F.C., 2013, "Feasibility of a novel functional sensibility test as an assisted examination for determining precision pinch performance in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome," PLoS ONE, August 20, 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072064. (SCI, correspondence)

80.       Chen, P.T., Lin, C.J., Jou, I.M., Chieh, H.F., Su, F.C., Kuo, L.C., 2013, "One digit interruption: the altered force patterns during functionally cylindrical grasping tasks in patients with trigger digits," PLoS ONE, December 31, 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0083632. DOI: 10.1142/S0219519414500109 (SCI, correspondence)

81.       Cheng, S.C., Hsiao, C.K., Tsou, J.Y., Lin, R.M., Su, F.C., 2014, "Predicting the vertebral body position based on palpated spinous process position," J Mech Med Biol, 14(1) 1450010 (13 pages). (SCI, correspondence)

82.       Lin, C.W., Lin, C.F., Hsue, B.J., Su, F.C., 2013, "A comparison of ballet dancers with different level of experience in performing single-leg stance on retire position," Motor Control. Accepted. (SCI)

83.       Lin, Y.D., Ko, M.C., Wu, S.T., Li, S.F., Hu, J.F., Lai, Y.J., Harn, H.I., Laio, I.C., Yeh, M.L., Yeh, H.I., Tang, M.J., Chang, K.C., Su, F.C., Wei, E.I., Lee, S.T., Chen, J.H., Hoffman, A.S., Wu, W.T., Hsieh, P.C., 2013, "A nanopatterned cell-seeded cardiac patch prevents electro-uncoupling and improves the therapeutic efficacy of cardiac repair," Biomater Sci, in press. (SCI)

84.       Tsou, J.Y., Su, F.C.*, Tsao, P.C., Hong, M.Y., Cheng, S.C., Chang. H.W., Yang, J.S., Chi, C.H.*, 2013, "Electromyography activity of selected trunk muscles during cardiopulmonary resuscitation," Am J Emerg Med, in press. (SCI, correspondence*)

85.       Kuo, L.C., Lin, C.J., Chen, G.P., Jou, I.M., Goryacheva, I., Dosaev, M., Su, F.C., 2014, "In vivo analysis of trapeziometacarpal joint kinematics during pinch tasks," BioMed Res Int, vol 2014, Article ID 157295, 8 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/157295 (SCI, correspondence)

86.       Huang, C.Y., Su, F.C., 2014, "A better posture strategy for fingertip force and finger coordination during a daily activity," Packag Tech Sci, accepted. (SCI, correspondence)

87.       Chen, H.C., Yang, T.H., Thoreson, A.R., Zhao, C.F., Amadio, P.C., Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., An, K.N., 2012, "Model-guided segmentation for quantitative measurement of collagen gel contraction from digital images," J Digit Imaging, submitted. (SCI)

88.       Wu, KS, Su, F.C., Jou, I.M., 2013, "Sonographically Guided Closed Reduction in Percutaneous Pinning of Displaced Humeral Supracondylar Fractures in Children," Ultrasound Med Biol, submitted. (SCI)

89.       Hsu, H.Y., Su, F. C., Kuo, Y.L., Jou, I.M., Chiu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C. (2013), "Sensorimotor Control in Hand: a Functional Outcome Indicator to Represent the Treatment Effect for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, " J Bone Joint Surg, 2013 Submitted. (SCI)

90.       Hsu, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2013, "Diagnosis from functional perspectives: using sensorimotor control in hand as a functional outcome indicator to represent the treatment effect for carpal tunnel syndrome," J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. submitted. (SCI)

91.       Chieh, H.F., Lin, L.C., Lee, C.A., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "The effects of fixation method of anterior cruciate ligament repair surgery on knee kinematics under anteroposterior and tibial rotatory loads," J Biomech Sci Eng, submitted. . (SCI, correspondence)

92.       Lu, S.C., Su, F.C., Zhao, C.F., Thoreson, A.R., Jou, I.M., An, K.N., 2013, "Biomechanical aspects of trigger finger – which changed first, the pulley or the tendon?," J Biomech Sci Eng, submitted. (SCI)

93.       Hsu, H.Y., Su, F.C., Kuo, L.C., 2013, "Functional disturbances in daily life: to comprehend the problems regarding sensorimotor control of hands in diabetic patients," Mayo Clinic Proc, submitted. (SCI)

94.       Hsue, B.J., Su, F.C., 2013, "The effects of age and gender on dynamic stability during stair descent," Arch Phys Med Rehabil, submitted. (SCI, correspondence)

95.       Yeh, C.H., Su, F.C., Ju, M.S., 2013, "Image-assisted method for estimating elastic moduli of soft tissues and calibration of bias due to aqueous humor effect," Sensor Actuat A-Phys, submitted. (SCI)

96.       Chen, C.L., Lou, S.Z., Wu, H.W., Wu, S.K., Yeung, K.T., Su, F.C., 2013, "Effects of the type and direction of support surface perturbation on postural responses," J Neuroeng Rehabil, submitted. (SCI, correspondence)

97.       Chiu, H.W., Hsu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., Lu, C.H, 2013, "How the impact of median neuropathy on sensorimotor control capability of hands for diabetes: an achievable assessment from functional perspectives," PLoS ONE, submitted. (SCI)



(I) International

1.         Tung, W.L., Zhao, C., Yoshii, Y. An, K.N., Amadio, P.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “A comparative study of a1 pulley compliance,” The 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Las Vegas, Nevada. USA, Feb. 22-25.

2.         Liang, J.I., Hsu, H.C., Nien, Y.H., Su, F.C., Wu, H.W., Chen, J.P., Yeh, M.L., 2009, “Cell response to electrospun PVA and PVA/chitosan nanofibers,” IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, Apr. 3-5.

3.         Su, F.C., Shao, F.Y., Wu, C.C., Yeh, M.L., Tang, M.J., 2009, “Involvement of focal adhesion kinase in cell adhesion force on different substrate rigidity,” IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, Apr. 3-5.

4.         Chiang, C.H., Yang, C.S., Yeh, C.H., Chen, M.Y., Su, F.C., Liu, C.Y., Chen, C.Y., Yeh, M.L., 2009, “Mechanical evaluation of topical silicone gel on skin wound healing,” IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, Apr. 3-5.

5.         Tsai, Y.J., Tsao, P.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “Effect of gender on lower extremity biomechanics during shuttle running,” 4th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Christchurch, New Zealand, Apr. 14-17.

6.         Wu, C.C., Huang, H.G., Tang, M.J., Su, F.C., Chien, S., 2009 “Spatial distribution of fak-scr for endothelial remodeling on anisotropic cell morphology,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

7.         Cheng. I.F., Su, F.C., Chang, C.H., Lin, C.J., 2009, “Relationship of knee joint function and balance performance of the elderly during putting on pants in standing,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

8.         Liu, M.F., Chou, P.H., Su, F.C., 2009, “Kinematic and kinetic analysis of lower extremity following posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

9.         Su, F.C., Huang, C.Y., Chang, S.K., Jou, I.M., Wua, K.C., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “Inter-digit force coordination during jar opening in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

10.       Huang, C.Y., Chang, S.K., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “The force shares of the digits during jar opening and closing,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

11.       Huang, C.Y., Hsieh, T.H., Su, F.C., Wu, P.L., 2009, “The effects of the elastic tapping on jumping,” WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

12.       Cheng. I.F., Su, F.C., Chang, C.H., Lin, C.J., 2009, “Compensation strategies for balance control of the elderly,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

13.       Hsu, S.M., Su, F.C., Jou, I.M., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “Design and calibration of pen that used the measure the pen grip strength and pen-tip force,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

14.       Chiang, C.H., Yang, C.S., Yeh, C.H., Chen, M.Y., Su, F.C., Liu, C.Y., Chen, C.Y., Yeh, M.L., 2009, “Mechanical evaluation of silicone gel on skin wound healing,” 4th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Hong Kong, July 26-29.

15.       Wang, L.H., Lo, K.C., Hsieh, Y.C., Su, F.C., 2009 “Differences in segmental momentum transfers between two stroke postures for tennis two-handed backhand stroke,” International Socitey of Biomechanics in Sports Conference 2009, Limerick, Ireland. Aug. 17-21.

16.       Su, F.C., Wang, L.F., Lin, H.T., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “A musculoskeletal model of the shoulder and elbow,” The 3rd VIMS Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 16-18.

17.       Kuo, L.C., Wang, L.F., Lin, H.T., Su, F.C. 2009, “Prediction of elbow muscle force during wheelchair propulsion,” The 3rd VIMS Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 16-18.

18.       Lai, K.H., Wang, L.H., Lin, H.T., Su, F.C., 2009, “The use of virtual, interactive, musculoskeletal system in tennis two-handed backhand analysis for different shot lines,” The 3rd VIMS Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 16-18.

19.       Wang, L.H., Lin, H.T., Lo, K.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “Application of virtual, interactive, musculoskeletal system in tennis two-handed backhand for different stroke stances,” The 3rd VIMS Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 16-18.

20.       Lo, K.C., Lin, H.T., Wang, L.H., Lai, K.H., Su, F.C., 2009, “The use of virtual, interactive, musculoskeletal system in elbow muscle contraction analysis in two-handed open stance backhand for different skill players,” The 3rd VIMS Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 16-18.

21.       Su, F.C., 2009, “Hand biomechanics – sensation, coordination and function,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15. (Plenary Lecture)

22.       Wu, K.C., Chang, S.K., Jou, I.M., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “The digits coordinated pattern of the patient with carpal tunnel syndrome during jar opening and closing,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

23.       Hsu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Chiu, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2009, “Develop a novel bio-interface system in sensory evaluation and re-education for clinical applications,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

24.       Hsu, H.Y., Chiu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “Functional sensory re-education programs for the peripheral nerve injury patients,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

25.       Hsu, H.M., Su, F.C., Jou, I.M., Ma, H.I., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “Biomechanical analysis of handwriting movements for patient with carpal tunnel syndrome,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

26.       Lai, K.Y., Su, F.C., Jou, I.M., Kuo, L.C., 2009, “Biomechanical analysis of hand during piano playing: concern of hand size,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

27.       Chen, M.I., Su, F.C., Ho.,C.C., 2009, “Wound closure via therapeutic ultrasonic treatment: cellular level study,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

28.       Huang, C.Y., Chang, S.K., Cheng, I.F., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “The role of index finger in opening and closing a jar with the opposite directional grasping in female,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

29.       Huang, C.Y., Chang, S.K., Lu, S.C., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., 2009, “The applied force of the thumb in jar opening in male patients with carpal tunnel syndrome,” The 8th Asia Pacific Fed Soc for Surg of the Hand, Kaohsiung County, Nov 13-15.

30.       Hu, M.T., Hsu, A.T., Su, F.C., Lin, S.W., 2009, “The roles of intrinsic muscles of the thumb during its tip force generation,” The 5th ASEAN Rehabilitation Medicine Association Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 10-12.

31.       Huang CY, Chen YT, Li JS, Yang CY, Su, F.C., Chen WL, 2010, “Landing strategies focusing on the rotatory control of knee joints in patients with ACL reconstruction, basketball players, and healthy controls,” 2nd Joint ESMAC/GCMAS Meeting, Miami, USA, May 12-15.

32.       Su, F.C., 2010 “Biomechanical Evaluation of Hand Function and Rehabilitation,” 10th Annual New Technology in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge, Cleveland, USA, June 20-23. [Plenary Lecture]

33.       Lu SC, Wu CC, Tung WL, Kuo LC, Jou IM, Su, F.C., 2010 “A biomechanical muscle model of trigger fingers,” 10th Annual New Technology in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge, Cleveland, USA, June 20-23.

34.       Lai KY, Su, F.C., Hsu HM, Jou IM, Chen Sea MJ, Kuo LC, 2010, “An investigative of hand biomechanics in pianists: concerns of hand size,” 10th Annual New Technology in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge, Cleveland, USA, June 20-23.

35.       Su, F.C., 2010, “Biomechanical Aspects of Hand Function,” The 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 1-6. [Plenary Lecture]

36.       Yeh C.S., Ju M.S., Yuri Martynenko, Irina Goryacheva, Su, F.C., 2010, “Development of Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Palpation of Pathological Soft Tissues,” The 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 1-6.

37.       Kuo L.C., Su, F.C., Jou I.M., Sun Y.N., Yang T.H., Lu S.C., 2010, “Re-recognize Trigger Digits: Integration of Medical Image and Biomechanical Analysis in Clinical Applications,” The 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 1-6.

38.       Chen T.J., Tang M.J., Wu C.C., Su, F.C., 2010, “Dynamic Energy and Force Distribution of Cytoskeleton Network during Cell Spreading,” The 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 1-6.

39.       Cheng H.L., Lai K.H., Kuo L.C., Hsu H.M., Su, F.C., 2010, “Biomechanical Property in Prostate Gland Focusing in PeriUrethral Elasticity,” The 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 1-6.

40.       Su, F.C., 2010, “Biomedical Engineering R&D at NCKU,” SAS – NSC Workshop, Bratislava, Slovak, September 6. [Invited lecture]

41.       Su, F.C., 2010, “Medical Devices R&D in Taiwan,” GACR – NSC Pilot Workshop, Prague, Czech, September 1-3. [Invited lecture]

42.       Lin, W.J., Kuo, L.C..  Su, F.C., 2010, “A synergistic-hand-wrist-moton-based robotic device for tendon-repaired rehabilitation,” The third IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics,” Tokyo, Japan, September 26-29.

43.       Su, F.C., Yang, T.H., 2010 “Frequency-, strain-amplitude- and tension mode-dependent response of human osteoblasts under cyclic mechanical stretching,” 17th international conference on mechanics in medicine and biology, Krakow/Cracow, Poland, September 19- 24.

44.       Yang, Y.S., Su, F.C., Chang, J.J., 2010, “A Biomechanical Comparison of Different Standing Frames for Rising from Sitting to Standing,” The 1st International Conference on

Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Venice, Italy, Oct. 14-16.

45.       Su, F.C., Chen, G.J., 2010, “Design and Structure Analysis of Seat Height Adjustable Wheelchair by Position Power Screw,” The 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Venice, Italy, Oct. 14-16.

46.       Chen C.L., Lou S.Z., Yeung K.T., Wu S.K., Su, F.C., 2010, “The Effects of Functional Reach on Postural Control in Stroke Patients,” The 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Venice, Italy, Oct. 14-16.

47.       Wang L.H., Lo K.C., Shih S.W., Su, F.C., 2010, “Ground Reaction Force Patterns in Tai Chi Pushing Movement,” The 1st International Conference on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Venice, Italy, Oct. 14-16.

48.       Goryacheva IG, Martynenko YG, Dosaev MZ, Ryazantseva MY, Nov FK, Moroz AV, Su, F.C., Yeh CH, 2010, "Visual Sensor Approach For The Determination Of Mechanical Properties Of Soft Biological Tissues," 1st IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Taipei, Taiwan, October 21~25.

49.       Su, F.C., 2010, “Biomechanical Modeling of the Hand,” The 4th International Symposium & Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System, Tainan, TAIWAN, Oct. 28-29. [Plenary Lecture]

50.       Huang, Y.C., Guo, L.Y., Su, F.C., 2010, “Speed Effects on Energy Efficiency for the Upper Extremity during Manual Wheelchair Propulsion,” The 4th International Symposium & Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System, Tainan, TAIWAN, Oct. 28-29.

51.       Lai, K.H., Su, F.C., Lin, H.T., 2010, “Imaged-Based of Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Model,” The 4th International Symposium & Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System, Tainan, TAIWAN, Oct. 28-29.

52.       Huang, C.Y., Tseng, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2010, ”The Index Finger Tip force in Jar Opening in Male Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,” The 4th International Symposium and Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System, Taiwan, Oct. 28-29.

53.       Hsu, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2011, “Involvement of Focal adhesion Kinase in Myoblast Adhesion Force in Cyclic Stretch,” 37th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Troy, NY, USA, April 1-3.

54.       Ting Y.T., Guo L.Y., Su, F.C., 2011, “Posture Control and Muscle Activation in Spinal Stabilization Exercise,” 8th Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 20-23.

55.       Lin C.W., Su, F.C., Lin C.F., 2011, “Difference of COM-COP inclination angle while performing ballet turn (pirouette en dehors) in novice and experienced dancers,” XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7.

56.       Chen P.T., Chen SW, Kuo L.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “Finger force synergy in cylindrical grasping movement,” XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7.

57.       Chen P.T.,  Chen R.H., Huang S.Y., Su, F.C., 2011, “The effect of shoulder external rotator exercise on scapular control,” XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7.

58.       Yang C.C., Su, F.C., Yang C.H., Guo L.Y., 2011, “Quantitative analysis of the cervical workspace,” XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7.

59.       Chou M.L., Yu T.C., Chang C.H., Su, F.C., 2011, “The contact mechanics of thumb carpometacarpal joint,” XXIII Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7.

60.       Tsao P.C., Chi C.H., Tsou J.Y., Hong M.Y., Kuo L.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “The gender effect on pressure distribution of chest compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation under different chest frequencies,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

61.       Wu C.C., Chen T.J., Su, F.C., Chien S., 2011, “Prediction of cell behaviors and mechanical responses by tensegrity simulation,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

62.       Chou M.L., Chang C.H., Kuo L.C., Wu P.T., Goryacheva I.G., Martynenko Y.G., Dosaev M.Z., Su, F.C., 2011, “Contact mechanics of thumb carpometacarpal joint under loading modes,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

63.       Chen G.B., Kuo L.C., Wang C.K., Lin W.C., Chen H.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “Effects of different key pinch locations and pinch strength on the joint gliding of Trapeziometacarpal Joint from 3D perspectives,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

64.       Yeh C.H., Ju M.S., Goryacheva I.G., Martynenko Y.G., Dosaev M.Z., Su, F.C., 2011, “Vision-based tactile sensor for measuring elastic moduli of porcine livers,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

65.       Wu S.K., Su, F.C., Kuo L.C., Lan H. C., Tsai S.W., Chen Y.W., Leu C.C., 2011, “Reliability compassion study for in,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

66.       Chen Y.C., Lou S.Z., Su, F.C., 2011, “Effects of foot orthoses on lower-extremity mechanics in mechanics in patients with knee osteoarthritis,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

67.       Hsu H.Y., Kuo L.C., Chiu H.Y., Ho H.Y. Su, F.C., 2011, “Assessment and intervention for hands coordination of  sensory stroke patients by a computerized force evaluation and reeducation prototype,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

68.       Chang H.W., Su, F.C., Shih H.S., Yang J.S., 2011, “Relationships between standing balance and medical longitudinal arch of the foot at children in pre-school age,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

69.       Chuang C.Y., Chang Y.J., Su, F.C., Wu C.C., 2011, “How hypoxia affect the structure and biomechanical properties of skeletal muscle tissue,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

70.       Lin W.Y., Chen T.J., Wu C.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “The complexity and architectures of cytoskeleton in relation to cell shape during cell initial spreading,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

71.       Huang H.G., Tang M.J., Su, F.C., Chien S., Wu C.C., 2011, “Spatial distribution of FAK-SRC for anisotropic cell remodeling,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

72.       Su, F.C., 2011, “Biomechanical Aspects of Trigger Finger,” 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20. [Invited lecture]

73.       Goryacheva I.G., Morozov A.V., Martynenko Y.G., Ryazantseva M.Y, Su, F.C., Yeh C.H., 2011, “Method of determination of soft tissue mechanical properties ,” International Conference on BioTribology, London, UK, Sept 18-21.

74.       Goryacheva I.G., Martynenko Y.G., Antonov F.K., Dosaev M.Z., Selyutskiy Y.D., Chang C.H., Su, F.C., 2011, “Stress analysis in contact of carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of thumb under various activity/function loading,” International Conference on BioTribology, London, UK, Sept 18-21.

75.       Kung, Y.S, Huang, P.H., Su, F.C., Chen, T.S., 2011, "Realization of an FPGA-based Motion control system for electric standing wheelchairs," Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA), 2011 IEEE Symposium on.

76.       Chen, H.C., Chen, C.K., Yang, T.H., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., Sun, Y.N., 2011, "Model-based segmentation of flexor tendons from magnetic resonance images of finger joints," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE.

77.       Tsai, Y.J., Tu, Y. K., Hsiao, C.K., Shih, S.W., Su, F.C., 2012, "Quantitative assessment of muscle strength in adult brachial plexus reconstruction," 58th Annual Meeting Orthop Res Soc, San Francisco, CA, Feb 4-7, 2012.

78.       Hsu, C.H., Su, F.C., 2012, "Design and analysis of a lifting, standing and mobility robot," Global-COE Workshop on Engineering/Information Science for Integrated Life Science and Predictive Medicine, Singapore, February 27-28, 2012.

79.       Su, F.C., 2012, "Imaged-based upper limb musculoskeletal model," Global-COE Workshop on Engineering/Information Science for Integrated Life Science and Predictive Medicine, Singapore, February 27-28, 2012. [Plenary lecture]

80.       Su, F.C., 2012, "A Biomechanical model for Cell Spreading,” International Symposium on Cellular Mechanobiology," Kyoto, Japan, March 16, 2012. [Plenary lecture]

81.       Yang, T.H., Liu, Y.C., Shih, H.H., Yang, H.B., Yang, D.S., Kuo, L.C., Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., 2012, "Quantitative measurement for pathological microscopic image of a1 pulley by digital image process," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21.

82.       Yang, T.H., Lin, H.Y., Lin, W.J., Kuo, L.C., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2012, "High frequency sonography for characterizing individual tissue in pulley system," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21.

83.       Yang, T.H., Lu, S.C., Zhao, C.F., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., An, K.N., Su, F.C., 2012, "Preliminary assessment of flexor tendons contribution in required finger joint motion: a novel research method," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21.

84.       Chen, P.T., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., 2012, "Force coordination during cylindrical grasping in patients with trigger digits," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21.

85.       Lu, S.C., Kuo, L.C., Hsu, H.Y., Jou, I.M., Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., 2012, "Quantitative evaluation of trigger finger function with rehabilitation," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21.

86.       Su, F.C., 2012, "Biomechanical Aspects of Trigger Finger," The 8th International Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, April 20-21. [Plenary lecture]

87.       Huang, Y.C., Guo, L.Y., Tsai, C.Y., Su, F.C., 2012, "Effect of camber and speed on mechanical energy and power flow in wheelchair propulsion," the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.

88.       Huang, C.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "Tendon force ratio of index finger during a twisting activity among healthy young subjects," the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.

89.       Lin, P.C., Kuo, L.C., Lin, C.J., Su, F.C., 2012, "Energy consumption and replenishment in maintaining low and high constant speeds during wheelchair," the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.

90.       Chen, S.C., Hsu, C.H., Kuo, L.C., Tsou, J.Y., Su, F.C., 2012, "Repeatability of workspace of the trunk circumduction to assess lumbar function," the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.

91.       Lin, Y.H., Yang, T.H., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2012, "High-frequency ultrasonic tissue characterization of diseased pulley in trigger fingers," the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.

92.       Hu, M.T., Hsu, A.T., Chiu, T.Y., Su, F.C., 2012, "The roles of the thumb muscles during different force generation tasks," the XIXth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Brisbane, Australia, July 19-21.

93.       Tsao, P.C., Chi, C.H., Tsou, J.Y., Hon, M.Y., Su, F.C., 2012, "A randomized cross-over study of the pressure distribution map of external chest compression among subjects performing 30_2 and continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation," the XIXth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology & Kinesiology, Brisbane, Australia, July 19-21.

94.       Lee, S.Y., Chen, G.B., Chou, M.L., Su, F.C., 2012, "The effect of kinesio taping on kinematics and muscle activity for subjects with neck pain," the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Gainesville, FL, USA, August 15-18, 2012.

95.       Su, F.C., 2012, "Medical Device Innovation," 2012 Presidents' Forum of Southeast and South Asia and Taiwan Universities, Tainan, Taiwan, October 30-31. [Invited lecture]

96.       Su, F.C., 2012, "Medical Device Innovation," 2012 Medical Device Innovation Ecosystem, Tainan, Taiwan, October 31. [Invited lecture]

97.       Su, F.C., 2012, "Trigger digit," 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23-24. [Plenary lecture]

98.       Cheng, S.C., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "The comparison of functional workspace of trunk circumduction between age-matched Healthy subjects and patients with low back pain," 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23-24. [Oral Paper Award]

99.       Chen, G.P., Kuo, L.C., Wang, C.K., Jou, I.M., Sun, Y.N., Su, F.C., 2012, "The joint contact of trapeziometacarpal joint during thumb circumduction," 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23-24.

100.    Chen, C.H., Lin, W.J., Chiu, H.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2012, "Three-dimensional morphology of  metacarpal bones," 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23-24.

101.    Tsou, Y.J, Chi, C.H., Su, F.C., Yang, J.S., Cheng, S.C., Chang, H.W., Hsu, M.F., 2012, "Relative phase angle features of the chest compression in three different positions," 2012 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, November 23-24.

102.    Yang, T.H., Lu, S.C., Lin, W.J., Zhao, K., Zhao, C.F., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., An, K.N., Su, F.C., 2013, "A novel model to assess the contributions of flexor tendons in finger joint motion," 59th Annual Meeting Orthop Res Soc, San Antonio, Texas, Jan 25-29, 2013.

103.    Su, F.C., 2013, "Biomechanics of the hand – trigger digit," the International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering Interface, Sendai, Japan, March 14-15, 2013.  [Invited lecture]

104.    Su, Y.H., Chen, P.T., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "The digits force during cylindrical grasp in natural and constrained grasp," The 2nd Joint World Congress of ISPGR and Gait & Mental Function, Akita, Japan, 22-26 June.

105.    Su, F.C., Lin, H.T., 2013, "Image-based modeling and simulation of the shoulder during baseball pitching," 31st Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Taipei, Taiwan, July 7-11. [Invited lecture]

106.    Lin, Y.H., Yang, T.H., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2013, "Effect of scanning direction on the statistical parameters of ultrasonic signals backscattered from the annular pulley and tendon,"2013 IEEE—UFFC joint symposia, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-25 July.

107.    Chen, P.T., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M.,Su, F.C., 2013, "The Effect of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on Digit Force Pattern during Functional Precision Grasp," 6th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Beijing, China, August 5-8.

108.    Su, F.C., 2013, "Biomechanics of trapeziometacarpal joint," 6th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, Beijing, China, August 5-8.  [Invited lecture]

109.    Su, F.C., 2013, "Trigger finger: bioengineering aspects," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31. [Invited lecture]

110.    Su, H.C., Lin, C.W., Lai, S.Y., Chieh, H.F., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "Quantitative analysis of physical activity and motor development in early childhood," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31.

111.    Hsu, C.H., Kuo, L.C., An, K.N., Su, F.C., 2013, "Biaxial wear testing machine for thumb carpometacarpal joint implants," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31.

112.    Wang, Y.L., Li, K.J., Wang, S.H., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "In vivo strain analysis of the achilles tendon by ultrasound speckle tracking imaging," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31.

113.    Yeh, C.H., Ju, M.S., Goryachev, I., Dosaev, M.Z., Su, F.C., 2013, "Development of balloon-like sensor used for measurement of elastic moduli of soft tissues employs FEM to obtain optimal design," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31.

114.    Wang, L.H., Tai, T.W., Lo, K.C., Su, F.C., Jou, I.M., 2013,"Ultrasonographically assessing the ulnar nerve at the elbow in different skill level baseball pitchers," 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, Seoul, Korea, August 29-31. [Award for Excellent Thesis]

115.    Lin, Y.H., Huang, C.C., Yang, T.H., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2013, "Effect of Scanning Direction on the Statistical Parameters of Ultrasonic Signals Backscattered from the Annular Pulley and Tendon, 2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, July 21-25.

116.    Su, F.C., 2013, "Contact mechanics of thumb carpometacarpal joint," 7th East Asian Consortium on Biomedical Engineering, Taipei, Nov 18-20. [Invited lecture]

117.    Lee, S.Y., Su, F.C., 2013, "Study of wrist extensors performance using a custom-designed isokinetic dynamometer," 7th East Asian Consortium on Biomedical Engineering, Taipei, Nov 18-20.

118.    Chen, P.T., Su, F.C., 2013, "The impact of abnormal sensory on digital force control during five-digit grasping," 7th East Asian Consortium on Biomedical Engineering, Taipei, Nov 18-20.

119.    Su, F.C., 2013, "Trigger finger: bioengineering aspects," 7th East Asian Consortium on Biomedical Engineering, Taipei, Nov 18-20.


(II) Domestic

1.         Lu, S.C., Wu, C.C., Tung, W.L., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., 2009, “Tendon tension of trigger fingers,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei , Dec10-11.

2.         Cheng, I.F., Su, F.C., Chang, C.H., Lin, C.J., 2009, “The related factors of balance performance of the elderly by analyzing the movement of putting on pants in standing,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Dec.10-11.

3.         Lai, K.H., Wang, L.F., Lin, H.T., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “The muscle force analysis of the shoulder and elbow in wheelchair propulsion ,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei County, Dec.10-11.

4.         Lin, C.J., Tsai, C.Y., Lin, P.C., Su, F.C., 2009, “The effects of rear-wheel distance on applied handrim forces and kinetics of the upper extremity during wheelchair propulsion,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomechanics combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Dec.10-11. [Outstanding Student Paper Award]

5.         Yang, T.H., Hsu, H.Y., Su, F.C., 2009, “Effects of cyclic stretch on the morphology of osteoblasts ,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C., Taipei County, Dec.11-12.

6.         Ding, Y.T., Wang, Y.L., Su, F.C., Kuo, L.Y., 2009, “The muscle activation and body balance patterns for different spinal stabilization movement and support surfaces ,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C., Taipei, Dec.11-12.

7.         Lai, K.H., Wang, L.H., Lin, H.T., Su, F.C., 2009, “How elbow muscle force control the point of shot in two-handed backhand tennis,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C., Taipei, Dec.11-12.

8.         Huang, H.J., Chiang, I.L., Tang, M.J., Su, F.C., Chien, S., Wu, C.C., 2009, “Spatial distribution of  FAK-Src for endothelial remodeling on anisotropic cell morphology,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C., Taipei, Dec.11-12.

9.         Chen, S.W., Su, F.C., 2009, “Study of finger coordination from kinetics prespective,” 2009 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering combined with the Annual Scientific Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society of R.O.C., Taipei, Dec.11-12. [Outstanding Student Paper Award]

10.       Tarng Y.W., Haung B.F., Su, F.C., 2010, “Analysis of the cell morphology and arrangement of engineered cartilage in a fluid perfusion bioreactor culture system” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30.

11.       Tsao P.C., Su, F.C., 2010, “Effect of prophylactic knee brace on knee kinematics and kinetics during sidestep cutting and lateral false-step” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30. [Outstanding Student Paper Award]

12.       Yeh C.S., Ju M.S., Yuri Martynenko, Irina Goryacheva, Su, F.C., 2010, “Optical design of vision-based tactile sensor for palpation of soft tissues” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30.

13.       Ting Y.T., Guo L.Y. , Su, F.C., 2010, “Effects of Ball Size and Ground Contact Area in Core Stability Ball” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30. [Outstanding Student Paper Award]

14.       Lin C.J., Kuo L.C., Lin P.C., Su, F.C., 2010, “What Kinetic Factors Determine Preferred Elbow Position in Confined Wheelchair Configuration?” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30.

15.       Lin C.F., Lin C.W., Su, F.C., 2010, “Principal Component Analysis of EMG and Center of Pressure of Ballet Dancers during Grand-plie” Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics & Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct.29-30. [ISB Young Investigator Award Highly Commended]

16.       Su, F.C., 2010, "Applications of mechanics on cell biology," the 34th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Yunlin, Taiwan, November 19-20. [Invited Lecture]

17.       Su, F.C., 2010, "BME research resources in National Science Council,"2010 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 10-11. [Invited Lecture]

18.       Hsu, Y.I., Su, F.C., 2010, "Involvement of focal adhesion kinase in myoblast adhesion force through the effect of cyclic stretch,"2010 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 10-11. [Outstanding Oral Paper Award]

19.       Chen, S.W., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2010, "Finger force synergy in cylindrical grasp movement," 2010 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 10-11.

20.       Lin, I.C., Yang, T.H., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2010, "Tissue characterization of finger pulley system using high frequency ultrasonic backscatter signals,"2010 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 10-11.

21.       Hsu, C.H., Liu, J.M., Chen, T.S. Su, F.C., 2011, “Structural and stability analyses of an intelligent robot with functions of mobility, lift and standing,” 2011 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

22.       Tsao, P.C., Chi, C.H, Tsou, J.Y., Hong, M.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “Pressure distribution of chest compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation under different chest compression frequencies,” 2011 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20. [Outstanding Student Poster Paper Award]

23.       Guo, L.Y., Chen, S.K., Chao, G.H., Su, F.C., Chou, S.L., Yang, C.H., 2011, “Knee proprioception ability and coordination in ballet dancers,” 2011 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

24.       Li, Y.F., Tseng, H.T., Jiang, P.T. Lin, C.Y., Huang, H.C., Su, F.C., 2011, “Clip force analysis of different chopstick manipulation,” 2011 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20.

25.       Tsai, Y.J., Hsiao, C.K., Tu, Y.K., Chou, P.J., Su, F.C., 2011, “Functional evaluation on shoulder and elbow joints in patients with adult traumatic brachial plexus injuries,” 2011 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Tainan, Taiwan, Aug 18-20. [Outstanding Student Poster Paper Award]

26.       Tsao, P.C., Chi, C.H., Tsou, J.Y., Hong, M.Y., Kuo, L.C., Su, F.C., 2011 "Pressure distribution of chest compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation under different chest compression frequencies," 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Oct 20-21.

27.       Chen, M.I, Su, F.C., 2011 "Therapeutic ultrasound effect on fibroblast adhesion forces," 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Oct 20-21.

28.       Hong, M.K., Lo, K.C., Wang, L.H, Su, F.C., 2011, "Center of pressure and variation of front/rear foot of fixed-stance single push-hands of Tai Chi Chuan," 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct. 29.

29.       Lin, H.T., Su, F.C., Chao, E.Y.S., 2011, "Apply the virtual, interactive, musculoskeletal system (VIMS) in baseball pitching analysis," 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Tainan, Oct. 29.

30.       Hsu, C.H., Su, F.C., 2012, "Design and analysis of a multifunctional carrier," 2012 TREATS Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2.

31.       Lin, Y.H., Yang, T.H., Wang, S.H., Su, F.C., 2012 "Effect of scanning direction on the characterization of pulley and tendon tissues by high-frequency ultrasound," 2012 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Taoyuan Taiwan, Nov 17-18. [Outstanding Oral Paper Award]

32.       Li, Y.F., Lai, W.R., Lin, W.J., Kuo, L.C., Chang, C.H., Su, F.C., 2012, "The contact pattern of thumb carpometacarpal joint during functional pressing," 2012 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Taoyuan Taiwan, Nov 17-18. [Outstanding Poster Paper Award]

33.       Su, Y.H., Chen, P.T., Kuo, L.C., Jou, I.M., Su, F.C., 2012, "The analysis of digits force pattern of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome during cylindrical grasping," 2012 Annual Symp Biomed Eng, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Nov 17-18.

34.       Huang, Y.C., Su, F.C., 2013, "Effects of handrim size on the kinematics of upper extremity during wheelchair propulsion," 2013 Annual Symp Taiwan Rehab Eng Assistive Tech Soc, Tainan, Feb 23. [Outstanding Paper Award]

35.       Lin, C.J., Su, F.C., 2013, "The effects of the design of the wheelchair on propulsion kinetics," 2013 Annual Symp Taiwan Rehab Eng Assistive Tech Soc, Tainan, Feb 23.



1.         Proceedings of 5th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 2011, edited by Chang, CH, An KN, Su FC

2.         Proceedings of IVth Symposium & Workshop on Virtual Interactive Musculoskeletal System, 2010, edited by Su FC

3.         Proceedings of the 1st Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Innovative Health Technology- Medical and Assistive Devices, 2009, edited by Su FC



1.         Balance Training Platform, Patent-New Model 189899, Taiwan, 2002/4/21-2013/6/17

2.         Suspension Type Balance Training Platform, Patent-New Model 205750, Taiwan, 2003/6/21-2014/3/4

3.         Measured Device of Grip Force and Twisting Torque, Patent-New Model 204349, Taiwan, 2003/5/21-2014/9/29

4.         Seat-Height Adjustable Mechanism of Mobile Wheelchair, Patent-New Model 220808, Taiwan, 2004/02/21-2015/5/15

5.         Camber Adjustable Sports Wheelchair, Patent-New Model 259585, Taiwan, 2005/03/21-2014/7/18

6.         Football Tackle Simulator, Patent-New Model 266933, Taiwan, 2005/06/11-2014/11/16

7.         Resistance-Guided Slider for Rehabilitation, Patent-New Model 269887, Taiwan, 2005/07/11-2014/12/6

8.         Resistance-Guided Rehabilitation Equipment for Upper Limb, Patent-I241909, Taiwan, 2005/10/20-2024/2/8

9.         Multiple Threaded Rod/Pipe Couplers for Highest Range of Elevation, Patent-270617, Taiwan, 2007/1/11-2024/3/21

10.       Low Limb Proprioceptive Balance Training, Patent-283571, Taiwan, 2007/7/11-2025/10/11

11.       Biaxial Weight-Bearing Ankle Proprioceptive Evaluation, Patent-287977, Taiwan, 2007/10/11-2026/6/13

12.       Powered Patient Lift Device, 7392554B1, USA, 2008/07/01-

13.       Balance Trainer, Patent-New Model M311444, Taiwan, 2007/5/11-2016/11/29

14.       Resistance Adjustable Tractor, Patent-New Model M322268, Taiwan, 2007/5/11-2017/5/3

15.       Powered Patient Lift Device, Patent-303987, Taiwan, 2008/12/11-2026/10/16

16.       Powered Patient Lift Device, Patent- ZL 200610123091.3, China, 2006/10/25-2026/10/25

17.       Trigger Finger Surgery Knife, Patent-New Model M369752, Taiwan, 2009/12/1-2019/7/8


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